Sunday, December 29, 2019

Business Administration And Economics Internship Report Essay

Notre Dame University Faculty of Business Administration and Economics Internship Report Prepared by: Amin Makhlouf 20092618 Submitted to: Date: I- Introduction: My internship at NDU was at EST Ephrem Makhlouf, specialized in special building materials and waterproofing products. Since 2008, Est Ephrem Makhlouf has provided a wide range of quality products for use in all areas of construction a wide range of innovative specialty construction chemicals and materials that includes: spacers, PVC water stops, tie rods, clips, chamfers, concrete admixtures and fibers, products for architectural concrete, cement additives, masonry products, plaster products, tiling products, air and vapor barriers, roofing polyurethanes, door and deck flashings, structural waterproofing systems, sound and heat protection products. Through the commitment, dedication and hard work of its management, the company has developed into a very successful entity and earned reputation among its clients. Moreover, EST Ephrem Makhlouf is a Lebanese company focusing on providing the best brand (quality), best price (competitive) and best services (delivery) to its valuable clients. II- Micro And Macro Environment: 1. The Company: †¢ Company History / Business Mission The company was established in 2008 as a small business located in Kfardebiane, and it was a successful construction material provider for all the people in that region. The mission of the company is to sellShow MoreRelatedExecutive Summary My chosen career field of study is Business Administration and management.1000 Words   |  4 PagesExecutive Summary My chosen career field of study is Business Administration and management. It is otherwise known as a business language. It is the process of managing a business or a non-profit organization in order for the company to remain stable and continue to grow effectively (Chisolm Hugh, ed 1911). Business administration is a broad and wide career. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Day The Twin Towers Of The United States - 1490 Words

All the things that have happened in the United States in the last 10 years. There is a few that have affected the citizens of the United States more than others. It is our goal as American’s to up hold the values that America offers to make it the best country to live in as possible. The three things I believe has changed the world we live in is: the day the Twin Towers came crashing down, the invention of the iPhone changed the way we looked at mobile devices, and many mass shootings and bombings have destroyed more lives than others. When the Twin Towers in New York came crashing down there was a dramatic effect in the United States from that day on. Airline security increased dramatically after 9/11. Before 9/11 any one could get a plane ticket to fly anywhere in the world. â€Å"At that time there were no real regulations with regards to employee or passenger background checks†. (Taylor, Alycia). Prior to 9/11 there was not near the tension about flying as there is today. New Regulations have been set in place since 9/11. criminal background checks on 750,000 airport employees, the presence of more law enforcement, the screening of all checked baggage with whatever means available, including X-ray machines and hand inspections, the placement of more air marshals on flights, and more passengers will be pre-screened, with more cross-checking with FBI and other watch lists for suspicious passengers. (Taylor, Alycia). These short term effects happened rather quickly after theShow MoreRelatedA Research Report Draft On The World Trade Center1070 Words   |  5 Pagesmuseum from the tragic day of September 11, 2001. There may be many things that make the World Trade Center important, but there is one reason that our country will remember forever! By making a bad appearance on our country the September 11th terrorist attacks made our country very unhappy (MacDonald pg.43). The Twin Towers were built when Manhattan’s people were in a drought and it was building of confidence and gratitude (Woog pg. 48) The Twin Towers is not just two towers anymore it is a totalRead MoreThe Twin Towers Of The Middle East Essay1588 Words   |  7 PagesJuan à Ãƒ ±igo Dr. Loucks ENG 021-07 16 November 2015 9/11: A DAY TO REMEMBER The Twin Towers were two buildings in the lower Manhattan, New York. The Twin Towers were part of a complex of 7 buildings, and they had many functions. Inside the building were banks, hotel section, museums, touristic sites, etc. It main purpose, as David Rockefeller thought, was to unite people from all the world in a business way (Harris). The Extreme Muslim organization of Al-Qaeda is a group of terrorist that focus onRead MoreThe Attack Of Osama Bin Laden On The World Trade Center876 Words   |  4 Pagesmorning of heinous and catastrophic events that took place on United States soil. The attacks ordered by Osama Bin Laden on the World Trade Center will be remembered throughout time, not only by those affected first hand but also those who witnessed it with their own eyes or through a television screen. The single most impressionable event on that fateful morning was the attacks on the World Trade Center, also known as the Twin Towers, in New York City. â€Å"The impact left a gaping, burning holeRead MoreTerrorist Theories Of Al Qaeda1426 Words   |  6 Pagesattack against the United States. At 8:45 am, two of the four hijacked planes crashed into the Twin Towers at the World Trade Center, the third plane hit the Pentagon in Washington DC and the fourth plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. This day, was going to change America forever. Since the terrorist attacks, there has been many conspiracy theories that put fourth to what â€Å"actually happened†. As these conspiracies come, they range from planes not even hitting the Twin Towers but bombs thatRead MoreSeptember 11, 2001 and The World Trade Center Essay1473 Words   |  6 Pagesof jet fuel crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. The impact left a burning hole near the 80th floor of the skyscraper, instantly killing hundreds of people and trapping hundreds more in higher floors. As the evacuation of both towers got underwa y, live news feed streamed in images and videos to the public of what initially appeared to be a freak accident. Then, 18 minutes after the first plane hit, a second Boeing 767–United Airlines Flight 175–appeared out ofRead MoreThe Twin Towers1535 Words   |  7 Pagescreated known as the World Trade Centers. It s more than its signature twin towers: it was a complex of seven buildings on 16-acres with its own zip code (10048). The construction of the buildings began in 1966 and was completed in April 1973, with the North tower opening 2 years prior of the South. They both consist of 110 floors, and were ranked as the tallest buildings in the world until the Sears Towers was built in 1974. The towers were built downtown-lower Manhattan Development Association by ChaseRead MoreThe September 11th Attack on the World Trade Center1743 Words   |  7 Pagesthat included two 110 storey ‘twin towers’. Upon completion in 1971, they were the tallest towers in the world, a record the infrastructure held for two years. The magnificent World Trade Centre complex which in 2001 included five other buildings in addition to the iconic Twin Towers occupied six-and-a-half hectares and provides office space for an estimated 50,000 people. In addition, approximately 40,000 business visitors and tourists were expected there each day. Besides office space, the WorldRead More9 / 11 Poem Analysis1004 Words   |  5 Pages In the poem the author describes New York City after the bombing of the twin towers took place. The poem’s speaker describes their daily path to work, but how it feels different since everything happened. This poem is not considered to be a long poem, but has a lot of impact in the short lines. The author uses personification in this poem several times to make bold statements about the city. As the poem develops the reader starts to understand how big of a deal 9/11 was to everyone and how it willRead MoreThe World Trade Center And Nicknamed The Twin Towers1677 Words   |  7 PagesYo rk skyline once stood a set of towers known as the World Trade Center and nicknamed the Twin Towers. After the attacks on a normal routine morning in New York City, those towers were no longer there. After several years of planning and designing, a new tower now stands and has been labeled One World Trade Center, also known as the Freedom Tower. In the shadow of the recently completed tower are two reflecting pools that were once the foundation of the fallen towers. During the design process andRead MoreThe Bombing Of Twin Towers1654 Words   |  7 Pages Twin Towers as known as World Trade Center in New York, U.S.A. were opened on April 4, 1973, and were destroyed in the 2001. Twin towers were one of the largest trading buildings in the world. Lot’s of people worked for it and visited there. They had almost controlled U.S. economy when they were existed. However, they got attacked on Setember, 2001. The attacks were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks by the Islamic terrorist group Al-Qaeda on the United States on the morning of Tuesday

Friday, December 13, 2019

Somme Coursework Free Essays

These three sources help us understand why the public at home supported the war. The three sources combined are very positive and are always very calm. Firstly, Source D is an extract from a book. We will write a custom essay sample on Somme Coursework or any similar topic only for you Order Now The extract was taken from â€Å"The first years of the great war†. It was published in London 1916 already becoming biased as it is all English. The extract provides a very real clue as to why the general public, waiting at home would be behind the war. The author gives a bright description of the British soldiers. The author spends a picture to the public at home describing the soldiers â€Å"leaping from their trenches,†. The author describes the German soldiers by the use of the word â€Å"Hun†. The word â€Å"Hun† is a negative term used for the Germans. Again the author, is becoming biased as he is very negative towards the Germans whereas he describes the British as being invincible. By this source the public get a vivid description imaging that the war is in favour to Britain as it does not refer to the amounts of deaths for the British soldiers. The writer says they didn’t â€Å"falter† as they reached the Germans. He describes them as brave and advancing through the war easily. He mentions they attack in â€Å"Line after line†. This makes the public at home feel secure as they think that not many British soldiers are dieing. They get this image from a few words, â€Å"didn’t falter as they advanced, and move steadily as if on parade before the King, Heroes all.† This creates an unreal image in the readers mind as this is not actually happening in the war. Source E was a last letter written by Lieutenant John Raws on 19th August 1916. The person who wrote the letter shortly died during the Battle of the Somme. In his last letter he says, â€Å"Goldy† and the others officers were murdered.† For the murder of Goldy he blames â€Å"the incompetence callousness and personal vanity of those in high authority†. He suggests that the soldiers in high authority such as the seniors were not good at their jobs and cowardly. In this Source there is a lot of emotive words like â€Å"callousness†. He felt that the senior staff were all self centred and didn’t care about the soldiers and their lives. When Lieutenant John Raws refers to â€Å"Goldy† Goldy was his brother his full name was Robert Gold Thorpe Raws. Source F, is an extract from a film. This was to show the public at home not to worry as everything was going in England’s favor. The reason why they did this was for propaganda. The film had many real pictures however some of the footage was edited and made less violent removing a lot of deaths of the British soldiers Another vital aim for this film was to reassure the public at home the â€Å"reality† of the war. The film was made to make the public at home think that the British soldiers were on top and advancing through the war with ease. Sources D and F were to boost the support from the public at home and back the war. All three sources left out the horrific description of the war which was really occurring. How to cite Somme Coursework, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Business Level Strategy Model of Canvas

Question: Define the Business Level Strategy for Model of Canvas . Answer: Lean Canvas Problem Start up business entity .As such does not have the necessary financial and non-financial resourcesto capture market share . Lesser market demand Caters to the elite section of the society . Thus, has fewer business opportunities . Solution Aggressive marketing and promotional opportunities Setting up a distribution chain Offering superior customer facilities , thereby creating a positive perception on the customers. Unique Value Proposition Superior customer service Offering services at a very less price Unfair Advantage Less market competition Customer Segments Elite section of the society Clients wanting destination weddings Key Metrics Sales revenue Being able to explore newer markets. Innovative customer policies and feedback , Channels Destinations weddings Strong brand name Promotional events Online blogs and social media pages Cost Structure Production Cost Payment to staff Marketing and Selling overhead Revenue Streams 8500 per piece (Source: Created by Author) Analysis of Lean Canvas In this section step by step discussion of the above model will be made: Problem The main problems faced by a garment company as follows: The production of the fashion garment must be such that it is able to penetrate into the market so that it can get maximum exposure and reach maximum customers. Fashion garments needs to be advertised properly otherwise company will not be able to market its product (Maurya 2012). Trendy clothes need to manufactured otherwise it will not be able attract fashionable customers. Solution The solutions to the above problems are as follows: There are no governmental and other barriers in the production of fashionable clothes. Company have an experienced supply chain which can market the designer clothes very easily (Maurya 2015). The company have experienced designers to manufacture trendy and fashionable clothes. Key Metrics Key metrics for measurement are as follows: The company is continuously uploading new design and trendy garments. In case of export the company have a FOREX team to appropriately convert their currency into own currency. Unique Value Proposition The company is unique from others in the following ways: They have a team of super quality designers to show case their trendy and fashionable garments (Maurya 2015). They manufacture unique design according to latest trend to attract new and existing customers. Unfair Advantage No other garments company can take advantage of them since they are very experienced in the market and their team has versatile members. Channels Various channels through which company can market their product are as follows: Many top level fashions schools are there to represent their designer garments. They have a strong brand name which is enough to market the product (Yeoman and Moskovitz 2014). They can also advertise their product through various fashion events and blogs. Customers Segments The customer base of the company mainly comprises of following persons: Hipster i.e. those who are craving for latest and trendy garments. Fashion Designers, those who are involved in fashion world and modelling (Hyvnen 2014). Cost Structure Cost structure comprises of the following cost: Production cost of garments which is a variable cost. Remuneration to designers which is a fixed cost. Marketing and distribution overhead which is a semi variable cost (Maurya 2012). Revenue Streams The average price of each garment is 95 per piece which is the main cash inflow of the company. References Maurya, A., 2012. Why Lean Canvas vs Business Model Canvas.Available in: https://practicetrumpstheory. com/why-lean-canvas. Maurya, A., 2015. Why lean canvas vs business model canvas?(2012). Yeoman, R. and Moskovitz, D., 2014. Social Lean Canvas. Hyvnen, J., 2014. Lean canvas and impact mapping as tools for linking product development to business goalsa case study.Real-Time Value Delivery in Software Engineering, J. Mnch, Ed, pp.20-27.