Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Day The Twin Towers Of The United States - 1490 Words

All the things that have happened in the United States in the last 10 years. There is a few that have affected the citizens of the United States more than others. It is our goal as American’s to up hold the values that America offers to make it the best country to live in as possible. The three things I believe has changed the world we live in is: the day the Twin Towers came crashing down, the invention of the iPhone changed the way we looked at mobile devices, and many mass shootings and bombings have destroyed more lives than others. When the Twin Towers in New York came crashing down there was a dramatic effect in the United States from that day on. Airline security increased dramatically after 9/11. Before 9/11 any one could get a plane ticket to fly anywhere in the world. â€Å"At that time there were no real regulations with regards to employee or passenger background checks†. (Taylor, Alycia). Prior to 9/11 there was not near the tension about flying as there is today. New Regulations have been set in place since 9/11. criminal background checks on 750,000 airport employees, the presence of more law enforcement, the screening of all checked baggage with whatever means available, including X-ray machines and hand inspections, the placement of more air marshals on flights, and more passengers will be pre-screened, with more cross-checking with FBI and other watch lists for suspicious passengers. (Taylor, Alycia). These short term effects happened rather quickly after theShow MoreRelatedA Research Report Draft On The World Trade Center1070 Words   |  5 Pagesmuseum from the tragic day of September 11, 2001. There may be many things that make the World Trade Center important, but there is one reason that our country will remember forever! By making a bad appearance on our country the September 11th terrorist attacks made our country very unhappy (MacDonald pg.43). 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