Thursday, December 5, 2019

Business Level Strategy Model of Canvas

Question: Define the Business Level Strategy for Model of Canvas . Answer: Lean Canvas Problem Start up business entity .As such does not have the necessary financial and non-financial resourcesto capture market share . Lesser market demand Caters to the elite section of the society . Thus, has fewer business opportunities . Solution Aggressive marketing and promotional opportunities Setting up a distribution chain Offering superior customer facilities , thereby creating a positive perception on the customers. Unique Value Proposition Superior customer service Offering services at a very less price Unfair Advantage Less market competition Customer Segments Elite section of the society Clients wanting destination weddings Key Metrics Sales revenue Being able to explore newer markets. Innovative customer policies and feedback , Channels Destinations weddings Strong brand name Promotional events Online blogs and social media pages Cost Structure Production Cost Payment to staff Marketing and Selling overhead Revenue Streams 8500 per piece (Source: Created by Author) Analysis of Lean Canvas In this section step by step discussion of the above model will be made: Problem The main problems faced by a garment company as follows: The production of the fashion garment must be such that it is able to penetrate into the market so that it can get maximum exposure and reach maximum customers. Fashion garments needs to be advertised properly otherwise company will not be able to market its product (Maurya 2012). Trendy clothes need to manufactured otherwise it will not be able attract fashionable customers. Solution The solutions to the above problems are as follows: There are no governmental and other barriers in the production of fashionable clothes. Company have an experienced supply chain which can market the designer clothes very easily (Maurya 2015). The company have experienced designers to manufacture trendy and fashionable clothes. Key Metrics Key metrics for measurement are as follows: The company is continuously uploading new design and trendy garments. In case of export the company have a FOREX team to appropriately convert their currency into own currency. Unique Value Proposition The company is unique from others in the following ways: They have a team of super quality designers to show case their trendy and fashionable garments (Maurya 2015). They manufacture unique design according to latest trend to attract new and existing customers. Unfair Advantage No other garments company can take advantage of them since they are very experienced in the market and their team has versatile members. Channels Various channels through which company can market their product are as follows: Many top level fashions schools are there to represent their designer garments. They have a strong brand name which is enough to market the product (Yeoman and Moskovitz 2014). They can also advertise their product through various fashion events and blogs. Customers Segments The customer base of the company mainly comprises of following persons: Hipster i.e. those who are craving for latest and trendy garments. Fashion Designers, those who are involved in fashion world and modelling (Hyvnen 2014). Cost Structure Cost structure comprises of the following cost: Production cost of garments which is a variable cost. Remuneration to designers which is a fixed cost. Marketing and distribution overhead which is a semi variable cost (Maurya 2012). Revenue Streams The average price of each garment is 95 per piece which is the main cash inflow of the company. References Maurya, A., 2012. Why Lean Canvas vs Business Model Canvas.Available in: https://practicetrumpstheory. com/why-lean-canvas. Maurya, A., 2015. Why lean canvas vs business model canvas?(2012). Yeoman, R. and Moskovitz, D., 2014. Social Lean Canvas. Hyvnen, J., 2014. Lean canvas and impact mapping as tools for linking product development to business goalsa case study.Real-Time Value Delivery in Software Engineering, J. Mnch, Ed, pp.20-27.

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